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Cross-hole Resistivity Surveys

23 August 2023

 We use a Simple Multi-Borehole Resistivity Method for Small to Large Scale 3D Imaging.

Domestic & International Mining Projects

13 June 2023

Its a good idea to carry out in-person domestic and international mine site visits to get a better appreciation of their scale and scope. It also reminds us that mine deposits eventually get depleted so its important to make new economically feasible discoveries to feed the mills and keep everyone employed.

River and Waterway Crossings

02 January 2023

ClearView Geophysics Inc. of Brampton, Ontario has expanded depth-to-bedrock investigations to include waterway and river crossings, primarily for HDD (horizontal directional drilling) applications. 

Bush Camps

08 April 2022

Many mineral exploration projects are completed from base camps located in remote areas.  This requires gear to be crated and shipped by plains, trains and automobiles…and trucks.

Borehole Time-Domain EM

25 March 2021

Borehole Time-Domain EM (Electromagnetics) Surveys are carried out using a large fixed loop with electricity powered by transmitters on surface.  ClearView uses Geonics TEM57 transmitters and TEM67 power modules.  Currents up to 28 amps can be applied to 10 gauge copper wire loops. The PROTEM receiver records the results typically with a base frequency of 30 Hz but occasionally with 3 Hz for stronger conductors.

CSAMT Surveys

13 November 2020

CSAMT (Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics) are an effective way to image the ground resistivity by collecting ‘soundings’ at each location. Readings taken in the ‘Scalar-Mode’ use one magnetic sensor which is oriented perpendicular to several 25-metre or 50-metre electrical dipoles.

Distributed Array – Full 3D IP/Resistivity with Spectral

12 July 2020

Distributed Array surveys (DAS) are recommended for deep complex anisotropic targets where near surface resolution is a lower priority.  Hardware advances over the past decade make it possible to to acquire large quantities of data in a relatively short amount of time. 

Seismic Reflection for Mineral Exploration

22 July 2020

A Geometrics Geode with ability to record up to 65,536 samples per record allows high resolution data to map stratigraphy and structure to depths up to 2 km using a trailer-mounted 800 lb weight-drop system.  A ‘seismic gun’ is sufficient for shallower investigation depths. 

Rover Geonics EM34-3XL Surveys

07 May 2020

The Geonics EM34-3XL ground conductivity meter can be applied in ‘rover-mode’ for high resolution coverage in a short amount of time.  The onboard ‘Archer2‘ datalogger collects real-time GPS at 1-second intervals tagged to Apparent Conductivity readings at 5x per second.

Locating Abandoned Wells

09 December 2019

Abandoned wells need to be located and decommissioned. There are several steps required in order to accomplish this. The first step is to search for drill logs filed with the City/Region or MOE. 

Borehole FWS (Full Waveform Sonic) Surveys

12 July 2019

FWS (Full Waveform Sonic) borehole surveys can be an alternative to Borehole shear-wave seismic surveys in certain cases.

Precision Gravity Surveys

04 January 2019

Gravity Surveys are used for many applications, including gold, base metal and diamond exploration.  For geotechnical applications it can be used to detect buried bedrock escarpments, for example.  

Cross-hole IP/Resistivity Surveys for Gold & Voids

08 September 2018

Cross-hole IP/Resistivity Surveys are carried out with C1-C2 transmitter current electrodes at ‘infinity’ perpendicular to the target strike and on each side of the target. 

Concrete Scanning

04 July 2018

ClearView owns and operates a Sensors & Software Conquest 100 System for concrete scanning services.  This compact 1 GHz GPR instrument includes an added-on power cable detector.

Large Loop TDEM Surveys for base metals, uranium and graphite.

13 March 2018

ClearView Geophysics Inc. carries out large loop TDEM surveys for base metal, uranium and graphite exploration using Geonics PROTEM receivers and TEM57 transmitters with TEM67 power modules. 

MASW for ‘stiffness’ of the ground

08 September 2016

Geotechnical engineers require accurate parameters for designing buildings, foundations, rock slopes and so forth. The shear-wave velocity of the ground is a useful part for determining common geotechnical parameters such as Poisson’s Ratio and Shear Modulus.

Geophysical Signature Tests

30 July 2015

There are many types of ‘targets’ that geophysics can be used to detect.  For exploration, targets can be gold, base metals, specialty metals, diamonds and sand/gravel deposits, to name a few.

Borehole Dipole-Dipole Resistivity Survey

22 June 2015

The Dipole-Dipole electrode configuration is ideal for detecting off-hole targets because the transmitter and receiver electrodes are always at the same distance apart as the configuration moves down the borehole.

ClearView recently completed a BHIP survey using a ‘tomographic’ mode.

23 August 2014

The main thing with our cross-hole IP system is that it’s simple, with single wires down each hole, and there are many readings taken at different angles making the inversion converge very quickly even with tight constraints (e.g., UBC low chi factor).