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River and Waterway Crossings

ClearView Geophysics Inc. of Brampton, Ontario has expanded depth-to-bedrock investigations to include waterway and river crossings, primarily for HDD (horizontal directional drilling) applications. 

For sites located in and around mining camps, detailed geologic information, particularly the location of faults and other geologic structures and contacts, are important and can sometimes be obtained from the mines or government sources to provide a foundation for any planned geophysics work and interpretation .  Geophysical methods commonly used for mineral exploration such as dipole-dipole IP/resistivity arrays with premade water-tight multi-conductor cables stretched out across the bottom of waterways can acquire data that are subsequently presented as inversion modeled chargeability and apparent resistivity depth sections, often highlighting potential faults or alteration zones that could have serious monetary implications for the HDD work.  Seismic hydrophones are also stretched across the waterway bottom to acquire seismic refraction and MASW data which complement the IP/resistivity data.  Custom designed and built seismic guns are lowered to the bottom of waterways from a boat to allow the continuation of land-based seismic data across the waterways.
